Thursday, November 18, 2010

Another visit to UIC and than again.

It's been a busy week to say the least. Went to UIC on Monday and spoke with Dr. Warso, the cancer surgeon. He discussed treatment options and what he felt was best for me. He didn't recommend surgery. He thought right now surgery isn't the best option. The location of the lymphnode will pose a great risk to remove. Right now my oncologist feels the best option is the chemotherapy. If the chemo doesn't work then radiation will be the next option and surgery will remain the last option.

As for the cancerous tumor , the surgeon recommended radio frequency ablation (RFA). Tomorrow I will be going back to UIC to speak with an radiologist and to make an appointment for that. It's an out patient procedure and I should be able to return to work the next day.

As for me, I am feeling well. Tired goes with out staying but I am still able to keep up with life's demands. I still haven't had a full dose of chemo therapy yet which might be one of the reasons I am feeling good. The first round of chemo pills there was a misunderstanding I was only taking half of the dosage. Second round of the chemo pills were cut short because my liver wasn't tolerating it. Today I went into start my third round. There was an error with the infusion medicine and treatment was stopped. I go back in Tuesday and start all over again. Stinks I have to have it on Thanksgiving week but mistakes happen especially to me and I make a couple every now and then.Just a couple mind you,But than again It's usually Sally's fault I make them,I think.

A good thing came out of today though. I had to go into work for a couple of hours this morning.We had a fire drill and I was a auditor, but anyways. When Sally picked me up we went to have lunch which is something we normally do before chemo. It's the only time we really get to spend time alone with each other. Sad but true. We have my mother in law watch the kids for my treatments, appointments and when ever we need a sitter so we feel guilty to have her watch them so we can have a night out. Like I was saying we went out for lunch, there is a new Italian restaurant across the street I have been wanting to try. It's called Ciao Bella Ristorante. I was told this is as authentic to Italian cuisine as it gets.That was told to me by the Italian workers that are working on our new Metallizer machine and they should know. I will say it was very good. I highly recommend it if you want a true Italian meal.

I know I said I was going to write part two of my Halloween adventures but with everything going on I haven't had a chance. I was going to write it today but Sally demanded I write about me. I am sure though the Halloween blog would be more entertaining. The real reason she wanted me to write about me is because she still does not have the Halloween pictures ready for the blog. Bad wife. A punishment is forthcoming.

Will try to write again as soon as possible. Take care and God Bless.


  1. Sorry you have to go through all of this again, but it seems like you are taking it much better than some other people are able to. You are a role model of a cancer patient :)

    On another note,
    I can't wait to see the Halloween pictures! Loved Zachary's costume and I can't wait to see Kaity's!

  2. you never, ever cease to amaze me with your faith! God bless you, all of you and know that you are in the prayers of oh so many...every single day!
    on a selfish note i would have to admit that i have missed the stories and entertainment that your blog brings...i also am happy to know what is going on with YOU so i thank you for these recent postings and will watch for an update this week if possible. blessings always
